MPE Dad's Club 

The MPE Dad's Club has more than 100 dads who volunteer countless hours each year. They supervise the carpool line each morning opening car doors to ensure the children get into school safely. They help in the cafeteria every morning with breakfast, at lunch for cafeteria duty, and cheer on any kids that need a little extra encouragement. Dad's Club helps at numerous events throughout the year including Carnival, Family Picnic, Outdoor Learning Center days, and much more. They even greet kids every morning in the hallways before the bell rings. Our dads provide MPE kids with lots of high-fives, smiles, and great attitudes!
If you're interested in joining the MPE Dad's club, please contact one of our 2024-2025 CoPresidents:
Daniel Novick or Travis Lollar 
 Watch the MPE Dad's Club in action: